Trevor Coleman: The Power of a Personal Invitation

Trevor Coleman: The Power of a Personal Invitation

Ps. Trevor Coleman: The power of a personal invitation

In our 3-minute clip today, Trevor Coleman encourages us on the power of a personal invitation and how very simply, a personal invitation is the difference between an average and an extraordinary church.

In other words, if we want to have an effective transformational church, we need to develop a personal invite culture in our churches.

There are 2 very simple ways that we can do this:

  1. Train our leaders and volunteers to make a personal invite a habit.
  2. Entrench this personal invite culture into the church at large.
  • A simple way to do this is to reference this invite culture regularly.
  • The more we celebrate an invite culture, the more it forms.

Bottom line: A personal invite helps our churches grow.

Watch the clip here: